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Reorient yourself! Choose to BE!

eMerge & SEE!!! 

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Our Services

Individual/Group Coaching

We offer coaching programs in the following areas: 


  • Career/ Academic support

  • Vision Planning/ Ideation

  • Curriculum/Product/Program Development 

  • Religious/Prophetic Lifestyle 

    • Assistance for the De-churched​ 

    • Managing spiritual sensitivity and/or sensory overload


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Business and Ministerial Consultations

We offer consultations for businesses and/or ministries that need assistance with:


  • Vision-centered ideation

  • Curriculum/Product/Program Development 

  • Adjusting or transitioning 

  • Evaluation Tools and Scaling

  • Intake programming and policy making


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Administrative Services

Lacking time to perform certain business and/or ministerial tasks? Hire eMerge & SEE to get it done. Some of the services we provide include:


  • Personalized ministry toolkits (Policies, plans, and initiatives to aid ministries in meeting their goals)

  • Curriculum/Product/Program Development 

  • Evaluation Tools and Scaling

  • Intake programming and policy making


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What Our Clients Say

L. Michelle

Media Coach 

"As a creative leader, it's always a blessing when you can find a coach that embraces your innovative nature while challenging you to package it in ways that others can learn and apply it.  Coach Leary has been very instrumental in helping me turn creative concepts into academic learning programs. The result, has caused both my audience and learning products to increase."

Onica S.

Professional Biblical Scholar

"As an individual who has been connected to the church and indoctrinated in a Christian community for the better part of my life, there have been times when I have gone through an existential crisis. LaToya has been instrumental in helping to reorient my thought process concerning church and scripture. She provides a balance between spiritual direction and academic exploration and I am the better for it. I am now in a place where I feel liberated and can explore the tensions of the human existence without sacrificing my faith practices, but reinforcing them."

Felicia S. 

Burgeoning Scholar

"I've been connected with LaToya and ABI for many years. Prior to our meeting, I was in a place biblically and spiritually of confusion, stagnation and honestly frustration with my relationship with God, the study of the Bible, and Prayer. I was too embarrassed to ask questions of my church leaders out of fear that I would be looked upon as questioning authority or being labeled as a none believer or someone that does not have enough faith. I discovered I was in a legalistic system and needed to begin my journey again with the Lord. LaToya and her Bible Institution began me on a journey now five plus years later that has totally changed my life, the way I now view God, the Bible, Research, Studying and more. I’ve developed such a freedom in asking biblical questions. I’m no longer afraid to question the text or even question what a leader or someone is teaching. I now talk to the text and allow the text to talk back and interact with me. My desire to seek God through different avenues has developed and I’ve learned that’s it’s ok to use more than just the KJV Bible to search out the answers to my questions. LaToya has consistently made herself available to me to address all and every question or concern over the years by showing me how to dissect the text for myself. "

Yoga at Home

“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-incurred immaturity.”

Immanuel Kant

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